With the Epoch 2 emission vote wrapped up, here's our weekly rate recap:.

05 Sep 2023, 08:05
With the Epoch 2 emission vote wrapped up, here’s our weekly rate recap: $LODE stakers have heavily incentivized blue chip borrows, growing the protocol’s revenue while raising the deposit interests. Meanwhile, $MAGIC and $plvGLP deposits received solid incentives: a prime chance to leverage your plvGLP or ETH staking yield (nfa ; cc: @PlutusDAO_io @LidoFinance ) 🏝️ Note: $wstETH, $DPX, and $GMX borrows still offer positive rates (Yes, voters are paying you to borrow) 🤷 Currently, 40% of $LODE’s circulating supply is staked, earning an average 35% APR paid in ETH 🏦 The epoch 3 delegation phase is ongoing, with a voting period starting in 36 hours on 🗳️ Dive deeper into our emission gauge: Join the conversation on Discord: